Recipes for Tablet and Mobile PhoneI am writing this page in English with Google translator. Click the Danish version and see the original Danish website.
This English page is suitable for PC - Tablet - Mobile phone. |
Calculation of degree of salting in % in meatSalting meat is a bit of an "art". Either you give too much salt so that the meat becomes hard and inedible because it is also too salty. It will therefore be a good idea to learn how to salt according to the "EQUILIBRIUM METHOD". So what is this method about, the salt will penetrate the surface and into the meat due to the osmosis effect. The result is that the water in the meat decreases and the salt concentration increases. This will take place until the salt concentration in water and meat is the same - in equilibrium. There are also two other factors that need to be taken into account. The first is what kind of meat should be salted and the second is the weight / thickness of the meat.
Example: Weigh salt and meat. Enter the weight of salt and meat into grams. Click Calculated degree of salting in % and read the value. Enter 24 grams of salt and 1000 grams of meat. Click Calculated degree of salting in % and read 2.4 % degree of salting. It is important to use the decimal point if required. Reset the calculator each time you want to enter new values. CS = Calculated degree of Salting in %, SG = Salt in Gram, MG = Meat quantity in Gram Excel spreadsheets for calculating salt, sugar and spices for vacuum salting Salting - Drying - Curing - Smoking - Maturation of meat Back to the page where you came from. |
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