Plaice fillets with seafood mousse

Shopping List for 4 adults

Fish & Shellfish:
8 plaice, flounder, or sole fillets
200 g raw China prawns also known as Black Tiger Prawn
200 g 10% Greek Yogurt
1 tablespoon flour
3 cm fresh and finely grated horseradish
1 clove garlic
salt, pepper and mild paprika, edelsüss

1 big onion
1 red pepper
1 dl 10% Greek Yogurt
2 tablespoons Avocado oil for frying
Water, white wine see Tip
salt, pepper and a mild paprika

New potatoes or cooked rice
Butter steamed green beans
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe N0. 49
Plaice fillets with seafood mousse
Plaice fillets with seafood mousse

Procedure without liability: Peel the prawns - save the shells - and the black string (the intestine) is removed. prawns, mayonnaise and Greek Yogurt are blended coarsely. Mousse blended with flour, horseradish, salt and pepper. If you do not have a blender, just chop the prawns with a sharp kitchen knife. Add the flour to keep the mousse together.

The mousses distributed on the fillets, which have got a little salt on the inner side and paprika on the outside. Keep the fillets together with toothpick and place them in a greased casserole to finish frying in a hot oven at 200 °C for approx. 30 minutes. If the heat is too hard, you can put a piece foil over.

Onion and pepper cut into small cubes and sauternes in the avocado oil in a saucepan for approx. 1 minute. A little water or better white wine - see tip - be poured in the pot and the lid put on. The vegetables are steamed until they are tender for approx. 4 minutes. Blend the vegetables and mix with Greek yoghurt. Season with salt, pepper and paprika.

Serving: Serve the fish with sauce and new potatoes/rice and butter, steamed green beans. Season the fish coincides with the new potatoes in May and June.

Garnish: Lemon boat and dill are good garnish. But a little exotic, fresh coriander is also good.

Drink: A cold white wine well suited to the dish.

Hint: Boil prawns shells in 10 minutes in 1 dl water and 1 dl white wine added a little salt and some peppercorns. Strain the mixture and use the "soup" to the sauce instead of water or white wine.

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