Homemade smoked hamburger back with kale and browned potatoes

Shopping List for 8 adults

Hamburger back:
2 kg pork loin / pork back
1 onion, divided into 4
2 cloves garlic, divided into 2
2 carrots coarsely chopped
4 bay leaves
15 peppercorns
15 juniper grains

Accessories Kale:
800 g kale fresh without stalk or frozen thawed and twisted
1 large onion, finely chopped
100 g butter
100 g wheat flour
½ l boiling water from the Hamburger back
½ l whipped cream
Grated nutmeg
2 to 4 tsp. sugar
Lemon juice
White pepper from the mill
Salt maybe

Accessories browned potatoes:
2 kg small firm potatoes
2 dl sugar
50 g butter
1 tbsp. salt in the boiling water
1 kg peeled potatoes (can be omitted)
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe No. 132
Homemade smoked hamburger back with kale and browned potatoes
Homemade smoked hamburger back with kale and browned potatoes

Procedure without liability: This recipe was a family tradition on January 1st, when a family member had birthday on this day and the whole family was invited. As it goes, the family is scattered for all winds or die out, the new generation does not have time to carry on the old virtues and traditions and make proper dinner dishes.

I just want to mention that a Hamburger back can be made in 2 ways: The usual way or Sous Vide way. Here I will come up with the usual way. In addition, you can buy a ready-made hamburger back or smoke it yourself. I use my self-smoked hamburger back, but that shouldn’t stop you from making this perfect dish.

Then we start. Insert the sensor from the thermometer into the core of the meat and place the hamburger back in a suitably large saucepan and pour cold water in until it covers. All herbs and spices come up in the pot. Put the lid on and bring the pot to a boil. From the time it boils, the pan should only simmer until the core temperature shows 60°C. Then remove the pan from the heat, stand and cool with the meat in until the core temperature shows 75°C. The whole procedure takes anywhere from 45 min. to 1 hour.

Kale: Can be made with either fresh kale or frozen kale. I would think that most people will probably use frozen kale as it is time saving and can be obtained all year round. I even prefer fresh kale when it can be bought and it always can around New Year. The procedure is pretty much the same, but frozen kale should thaw and the water should be squeezed well out of the kale. Fresh kale is sipped from the stem and blanched for 3 minutes in boiling water from the hamburger back. Drip off in a sieve and cut / chop into smaller pieces. Then the recipe is the same.

White sauce: Dear child has many names, you can also call it Bechamel sauce. It is this sauce that I want to use for my kale. Then we start. Put butter in a saucepan and let it simmer. Add the finely chopped onion and let the onion take on a little color. Sprinkle flour while stirring until a "Flour Ball" appears. Now dilute with boiling water from the hamburger back with vigorous stirring until a suitable soft consistency of the sauce is achieved. Then add cream / whipping cream in a thin stream while stirring. Boil the sauce for at least 3 minutes and season with salt, sugar, lemon juice, nutmeg and white pepper. You should end up with at least 1 liter of white sauce.

Last step for kale: Add the squeezed frozen kale or blanched fresh chopped kale to the white sauce and cook for approx. 5 minutes. Taste for the last time, but pay attention to salt as the hamburger back releases salt to the boiling water.

Brown potatoes: Boil and peel the potatoes the day before and try this recipe for perfect sugar brown potatoes. Put a suitably large frying pan on the stove where all the potatoes can lie in one layer. Spread the sugar on the pan in an even layer, turn up the heat for a few minutes until the sugar melts without stirring. Turn down to even heat and add butter while stirring. Put the potatoes on the pan and turn up to high heat. Brown the potatoes for 5 to 10 minutes over high heat while gently turning them on the pan. If the potatoes get a little dry, add a little butter / water.

Serving: In Jutland there are many ways to serve kale. The The North Jutlanders have their way and the Southern Jutlanders have their way. Maybe the West Jutlanders have their own way too. This recipe is from West Jutland and was also served with white potatoes.

Drinking: In West Jutland, beer and schnapps were drunk for kale and they continued with a "Coffee Punch" and a 10 øre. Do you know this trick?

Tip: Most Hamburger backs you buy are either in net or plastic. Both types of wrapping are meant to cook with. I myself will choose a hamburger back in net and then remove the net when the hamburger back has cooled.

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