1 sea trout of approx. 1.5 - 2 kg 4 shallots 2 cloves of garlic 1 fennel 1 parsley root 1/2 celeriac 50 g butter 2 dl white wine (Chardonnay) 4 bay leaves fresh Thyme fresh 5 g of salt Pepper from the mill Accessories: 4 white carrots 2 red carrots 50 g butter 1 dl whip cream Thyme fresh |
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe No. 115
Procedure without liability:
Prepare the fish: Clean the freshly caught sea trout. Scrape the mucus of the fish from head to tail and scrape the scales of the fish from tail to head. Cut off the head and fill the fish from head to tail. Fine clean the fish for all the side bones. Rinse the fish in cold water and let it drip well before drying in kitchen paper on both sides. Prepare the vegetables for the basis of the fish: Peel the shallots and divide them into 4 longitudinally. Garlic is cleaned of shell and cut into quarters. Fennel is cut into suitable slices. The parsley root is peeled, cut in half and cut into rods. The celery is peeled and cut into smaller rods Prepare accessories and the sauce: Peel the carrots and divide them into half or quarters - depending on size - cut them into 2 to 3 cm length, sprinkle with some thyme. In a roasting pan lined with butter-greased baking paper, all the vegetables are distributed for the fish. Sprinkle salt and pepper from the mill. Put buttercream on and pour some white wine over. Put the baking pan in a cold oven and turn up to 200°C. When the stove has reached the temperature (about 20 minutes), remove the frying pan and the two sea trout fillers are applied with the ski side down. Pour white wine over the fish, sprinkle with a little salt and pepper from the mill. Put buttercream on the fish and put on thyme and bay leaves. Put the baking pan in the oven and cook for approx. 30 to 35 minutes until the fish is finished. The time depends on the thickness of the fish and also on your oven. While the vegetables and fish are baking, the accessories and the sauce are made. The butter is melted on the pan, the carrots and thyme are poured in and lightly roasted for a few minutes, then whipping cream is poured over. Turn down the heat and let it simmer until you think the carrots have the right bite. Season with a little salt and pepper. Appliance: Once the fish has had enough, take it out and put it on a platter along with the vegetables. The flavorful liquid is poured into the carrots. It all decorated with picked thyme. Drinking: The same white wine - Chardonnay - is served chilled to the dish. Tip: If you don't like celeriac, use other root crops. Leeks are also suitable. Perhaps potatoes in small sticks, just remember the potatoes should be well baked. |