An anglers 'Dried and Salted Cod'

Shopping List for 4 adults

1 kg Dried and Salted Cod or
3 kg cut fresh cod
1 packet prawns for garnish
4 tomatoes
2 onions
1 garlic, whole small fresh or
4 cloves garlic
1 lemon
½ dl white wine vinegar and
½ dl water mixed or
1 dl apple juice
1 red chili peppers
1 glass of green olives without stones
1 dl. whipping cream
1 twigs sage
1 twigs rose marin
1 twigs lovage - only leaves
1 tsp. carry, the mild one
1 tsp. coarse black pepper
1 dl olive oil
1 dollop of butter
1 kg new Danish potatoes
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe No. 23
An anglers 'Dried and Salted Cod'
An anglers "Dried and Salted Cod"

Procedure without liability: You can start in two ways. Either buys ready-made Dried and Salted Cod from fish dealer. Or you prepare your self caught cod to Dried and Salted Cod. This is the last description, which I've used in my dish. But you get both descriptions.

First description: For ready-made Dried and Salted Cod, you need approx. 1 kg to 4 adults. Dried and Salted Cod placed in a large pot or bowl with cold water in a day. The water changed at least a few times in this day. Is the weather hot the pot or bowl must be placed in the refrigerator. How salt, the dish must be depends on how many times you change water. Now you have the fish for further processing.

Second description: I used 15 cm of the thick part of a 10 kg cod for 2 persons. The weight was probably around 1 kg or just over. Cod piece was filleted into two pieces, all bones were removed, but the skin remained. 500 g fine salt was spread over the fish as follows: In a suitable dish sprinkled some salt on the bottom. A piece of fish placed with skin side on the salt, new salt sprinkled on meat side. The second piece of fish also sprinkled with salt on meat side added with this meat side on top of the first piece of fish. Over the two pieces of fish sprinkled the rest of the salt. Cover with film and put in the refrigerator for a day. It draws a lot of moisture out of the meat and the fish are now so firmly in the meat as it now looks like ready-made Dried and Salted Cod pulled in cold water for 12 hours. Take the two pieces of fish from the refrigerator and clean the rest of the salt off in cold water. Place fish pieces in a bowl with cold water in the fridge for three hours. How salt, the dish must be, depends on how many hours in cold water. Now you have the fish for further processing.

Place the fish pieces in a lightly greased baking dish with skin side down, and drip the fish with lemon juice. Sprinkle the spices over the fish, top with vegetables and butter evenly. Pour whipping cream and juices over. Juice is either ½ dl white wine vinegar and ½ dl water mixed or 1 dl apple juice. Put in a 200°C pre-heated oven for 15 minutes. Then reduced to 180°C and bake further 45 minutes. Turn off the oven and sprinkle with thawed prawns. Takes after-heat with oven doors open for 10 minutes before serving.

Serving: Put the dish on the table and serve with new Danish potatoes.

Garnish: Well! it was only prawns to be used.

Drink: To the dish fit a cold lager with a snaps.

Hint: Garlic flute goes well with the dish. Dip it in the "sauce".

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