Red fish in dish with vegetables

Shopping List for 4 adults

800 g Redfish fillets 2 pk. frost from Netto
4 Peeled potatoes
4 Carrots
1 Parsley root
1 Pastinak
1 Bunch of spring onion or
1 to 2 Leeks
4 tsp. Fish sauce
4 tsp. Oyster sauce
2 dl. White wine
2 dl. Whipped cream
Garlic olive oil/grape seed oil for frying the fish
1 Small bunch of fresh thyme
Salt and pepper from the mill

A good bread to your own taste is suitable
for dipping in the sauce
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe No. 125
Red fish in dish with vegetables
Red fish in dish with vegetables

Procedure without liability: The redfish are thawed in the package overnight in the refrigerator and taken out only 1 hour before cooking. Place on a platter with the skin side down and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper from the mill.

All vegetables are cleaned and peeled, the potatoes are cut into thin slices, carrots, parsley and parsnips into thin sticks. Spring onions or leeks are cut obliquely into slightly wider slices.

An ovenproof dish is greased well with garlic olive oil and all vegetables are distributed in it with the potatoes at the bottom, which have just been given a little salt. Pour on fish sauce, oyster sauce, white wine and whipped cream. Place in a preheated oven at 180°C for approx. 1 hour.

Now cook the fish on the frying pan in olive oil or grape seed oil. Place the fish skin side down in the hot oil and fry for approx. 5 minutes and then turn down the heat. Hold the fish down with a palette knife so that there is good contact with the frying pan. Then the skin becomes crispy. When the meat is white, the fish is fried. The fish is turned and fried for only 10 seconds on the meat side. Then place the fish on top of the vegetables with the skin side down. Sprinkle with finely chopped thyme. Put it all back in the hot oven for approx. 10 minutes. Taken out and ready for serving.

Serving: Find a good bread to your liking and serve it to the dish.

Garnish: Sprinkle with a little finer chopped thyme.

Drinking: Feel free to use the same white wine that was used for the fish.

Hint: If you do not have the oil with garlic, then add a few chopped cloves of garlic to the dish.

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