The best way to cook red sausages

Danish red sausages for a child's birthday

8 pcs. red sausages of the best quality
1 piece. onion cut into quarters
3 - 5 cloves of garlic 1 tbsp. vinegar
1 cube of chicken stock
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
Mustard of your choice
Tomato ketchup of your choice
Remoulade of your choice
Finely chopped onion of your choice
Roasted onions of your choice
Cucumber salad of your choice
Sausage bread for Hot Dogs
I am an angler in Scandinavia

Recipe No. 147
A delicious Hot Dog with all the trimmings
A delicious Hot Dog with all the trimmings

Here's how you do it: 1. Fill a suitably large pan with water, enough to cover the sausages completely. 2. Cut the onion into quarters and put it in the pan together with the garlic. 3. Add vinegar, chicken broth, salt and sugar. 4. Heat the water to just below the boiling point approx. 90°C. 5. Put the red sausages in the water. Let the sausages soak in the hot water for 15 minutes. 6. Check the sausages before serving that they have been heated through. You can turn it all the way down to the lowest "flame" while the sausages soak for 15 minutes. Finally, remember that the sausages must never boil, because then the skin will crack. The sausage water must be kept at 75°C while the sausages are in the water - just like with the sausage man at the sausage cart. NB: Danish red sausages are "cooked" at 75°C core temperature from the supplier, so you can eat them cold straight from the bag.

Serving: Serve the sausages with toasted sausage bread and let the guests choose their own side dishes. Maybe make a good Hot Dog with roasted onions and/or raw onions. Some also choose cucumber salad.

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