Brills fillets steamed over root vegetables on the pan

Shopping List for 2 adults

2 Brills fillets without skin and bones
200 g Pork rind cut into small pieces
50 g Pork fat and 50 g duck fat/goose fat
1 Onion 3 cloves of garlic and 3 sprigs of rosemary
200 g Chestnuts unshelled and cut into small cubes
100 g Karl Johan mushrooms cut into cubes
4 pcs. Medium-sized shallots, finely chopped
30 g Butter
3/4 dl Vermouth
2 - 3 dl Chicken broth, strong
1/4 lemon juice
1/2 bunch parsley
Zanetti cheese: Pecorino for sprinkling. Option
Be careful with salt, the cheese is also salty
Salt and pepper from the mill

Confit pork rind:

The pork rind is made in the following way: Cut the pork rind into very small cubes and add them to a pan with a little pork fat and duck fat or goose fat. Roast the rinds in cubes under low heat at approx. 85°C to 90°C for the first hour. The temperature can then be raised to 100°C. The rind must not turn black, so it may well take 3 hours or more. Save them for the dish described below. Confit pork rind can be frozen and used later in sauce for many dishes. I added an onion, 3 cloves of garlic and some sprigs of rosemary after an hour.
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe No. 144
Whole brills ready to put over the root vegetables when they are finished roasting. For a kid-friendly dish, use fillets.
Whole brills ready to put over the root vegetables when they are finished roasting. For a kid-friendly dish, use fillets.

Procedure without liability: Once you've made the confit pork rind, it's time to start this dish. This can be made the day before or several days before, as they can be kept refrigerated or frozen.

Put a little butter on the pan and fry the shallots until golden. Pour the vermouth over and add the chestnuts to the pan and roast them a little. Then chicken broth and Karl Johan mushrooms are added to the pan. Season with salt and pepper from the mill and a little lemon juice.

Turn up the heat a little and place the 2 pieces of fish, skin side down, over the root vegetables. Cover the pan and continue to cook for 6 to 8 minutes until the fish has had enough. Depends on the thickness of the fillet. Cover the pan with a lit and continue to cook for 6 to 8 minutes until the fish has had enough. Depends on the thickness of the fillet.

NB: My brillst in the picture are not fillets, but whole fish with bones and belly skin. It's because I can handle eating fish with bones and I think it tastes better. I just want to mention that I fry the fish skin side for a few minutes before putting it on the root vegetables. If it is a child-friendly dish, use fillets. The time here is given for fillets.

When the fish fillets have had enough, remove them from the pan. Turn up the heat, add butter and cook. Stir in parsley and sprinkle with cheese (optional).

Serving: Place a fish fillet on a plate with a portion of root vegetables around it.

Garnish: Fresh parsley leaves and a few lemon slices.

Drinking: A good white wine from Chile that is suitable for fish could be a Santa Rita 120 Chardonnay vintage 2021. Approx. DKK 60.00 per bottle. Serve well chilled.

Tip: "Gourmet Goose Fat from Gråsten Poultry" 250 g. If you don't use it all, you can make a good seasoning fat with half pork fat and onion. If you cannot get Karl Johan mushrooms, you can use regular mushrooms and add some dried Karl Johan mushrooms. First crush the dried Karl Johan mushrooms in a mortar before adding them.

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