For 1 kg of boned pork from the ham, use the following:
7 g Ordinary table salt 17 g Nitrite salt, 0.6% nitrite content, See under Tip 3 g Juniper, crushed 3 g Coriander, crushed 3 g Allspice, crushed 1 g Bay leaves, finely cut, 4 to 6 large one 3 g Kampot black pepper, Cambodia 3 g Szechuan pepper, China 1 g Cayenne pepper hot, powder 3 g Garlic powder 3 g Cumin, powder 5 g Brown Farin 3 g Mustard seeds yellow, crushed 1 g Sodium ascorbate E301, See Tip For cold smoking, use the following: Beech sawdust Juniper bush granules Or dried and crushed: Spruce cones (only a few) Branch of spruce (only a little) Branch from grape |
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe No. 136
NB: A ham of only 1 kg is not much. But you just need to scale up the amount on the underlying additives. Do you come to grams with many decimals - 6.6704 grams - round fresh and cheerful up to 7 g. I have made a Excel spreadsheet for calculating salt, sugar and spices. Available only on the PC version of "Recipes", and it is only for vacuum salting. If you follow the amount of salt, you get a degree of salting of 2.4 % and a nitrite content of 100 mg per kg of meat.
First a few facts: If this recipe for Schwarz-Walter-Schinken reminds you of something you've tasted in Germany on your travels, you're not entirely mistaken. I was even on my way to Basel by car, and came through several cities in the Schwarzwald, where we did stay. For breakfast we got Schwarzwaldschinke with (egg stand / scrambled eggs) as far as I remember. Schwarzwaldschinke is a well-known and popular product. The term "Schwarzwaldschinke" is a protected name, so only hams produced in the Schwarzwald may be called Schwarzwaldschinke. The surface of the "Old Ham" was black, which was created by dipping the hams in beef blood before smoking. It is not something that is used more than a few manufacturers. In the past, the pig was also supposed to come from the Schwarzwald, but this condition has been lifted. The rule only applies in the EU. Procedure without responsibility: Then we must start, but adhere to good kitchen hygiene, wash hands so that no bacteria enter the meat, which later leads to spoilage. After all, a Schwarz-Walter-Schinken is four months in the making before it can be eaten. 1. Step: Clean the flesh of tendons and skins and make sure there are no deep pockets and "flaps" hanging loose. The meat should be as smooth as possible. Of course, the rind is kept on the ham. My opinion, but you can do as it suits you best. You may save 1 week of salting time. 2. Step: All spices that are seeds are crushed first in a mortar or grinder. Weigh all spices and mix these well with salt and sugar before rubbing the mixture well and thoroughly into the meat. Put the meat in a vacuum bag and make sure the whole mixture comes in the bag. Vacuum the bag and make sure there is no salt and other things where the weld seam should be. This results in poor welding and the risk of air penetrating the bag. I normally give two welds at both ends. 3. Step: Lay the vacuum pack flat on the table and measure the pack in the thickest place. Calculate a salting time in the refrigerator at 5°C to 7°C of 3 days per cm when the ham is thickest. If you measure 10 cm, the time is at least 30 days or 4 to 5 weeks. Remember to turn the package in the fridge every day so that the ham is evenly salted. If you remove the rind, you can settle for 2 days per cm. 4. Step: After the 4 to 5 weeks, take the package out of the fridge and rinse the ham under running, cold water free of spices, salt and sugar. Wipe well in a clean tea towel and now hang freely in the refrigerator again at the same temperature as before. The time here is called the curing time and it takes in the fridge 1/2 day per cm. The ham above 10 cm thus takes 5 days in a cool environment. 5. Step: The ham must now dry completely before being smoked. Take the ham out in a warmer environment 12°C to 18°C and RH of 40 % to 50 % humidity for a maximum of 2 days. However, a moderate air circulation around the ham is required so as not to form mold. Also not in strong air draft because then a dry crust is formed. When the surface is felt dry, the ham can be cold smoked. 6. Step: Use a smoke coil or a maze of rams and make sure the material is crisp and finely chopped. My smoke coil lasts an average of 14 hours and the temperature in the smoke oven comes approx. 10°C above ambient temperatures. There must be max. be 27°C in the smoke oven. So at high daytime temperatures you can smoke at night. Feel free to take breaks between each smoking. I would recommend - with what I have written about my smoke oven - to smoke between 4 to 5 times in the night. Then there is a break during the day. 7. Step: After smoking, the ham should be matured for a few weeks in the refrigerator at 5°C to 7°C and RH at 30 % to 40 % humidity. The ham should (must) hang freely in the refrigerator so that the water content evaporates. It is highly recommended to weigh the ham before salting and when the finished ham has matured. There should be a weight loss of approx. 30 % to achieve max. durability. If you have several hams and want to store these, it is recommended that they be packed in DRY AGING BAGS and placed in the refrigerator. They mature in the bags, then they can be taken out and cut into thin slices and eaten with great pleasure. Serving: Eat it "Free". It is a term that I use when I eat meat alone, ie without accessories (bread and potatoes). But I think I will create a Pizza when my friend Thomas gets to set up his 800 kg Pizza Oven next to the smoke oven. I will promise that a picture will come at that time. But otherwise I will also serve the ham white asparagus with melted, clarified butter and grated parmesan cheese. A specialty in northern Germany until May. Tip: It is optional to add E301 Sodium ascorbate or E300 Askorbic acid. It is an antioxidant. On the plus side, Sodium ascorbate makes the meat more red and over time reduces the residual nitrite content in it Finished product. Both ascorbic acid and Sodium ascorbate are forms of vitamin C and are common food additives where more specifically Sodium ascorbate falls into the category of mineral salts. Although ascorbic acid is the pure form of vitamin C, Sodium ascorbate is the sodium salt of ascorbic acid. I've seen the Austrians use Chrisale salt, which contains 0.4 % to 0.5% nitrite in the individual salt crystals. It should cause a better taste and color in the meat, since the nitrite precipitates more slowly in the process, in contrast to ordinary. salt to which the nitrite has been added artificially. |