Mint schnapps
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Procedure without liability

1 fl. Stolichnaya Vodka 38%
10 neat stems with leaves of the plant
½ l green leaves of the plant
½ to 1 red chili pepper - split

Brewing time 1 week and 1 week. See text

1 liter glass with lid

The mint schnapps gets a nice yellow-brown color and the mint tastes good in the schnapps.

Also try the mint schnapps for fish. It goes well with herring. If you lack good fish recipes, see here.

Note: I have started making a Hot chili essence with 7 chili peppers and 250 ml of vodka. Split the chili, put them in the bottle, pour on the vodka. Pulls for 2 weeks, filters and pours into small bottles.
Recipe No. 3
Mint schnapps
Mint schnapps
Mint plants
The mint plant is found in Denmark with many species, but the one I use I have in my the garden. It was purchased as a small spice plant and planted in the garden with the other spice plants. It must be kept "down" because otherwise the plant suffocates the other plants in the spice garden. I use the mint for two things: Mint jelly for roast lamb and mint schnapps for a stimulant - gives air in the nose if it is clogged. My plant is a Peppermint. In Latin Mentha-Piperita, because it looks like the leaves and flowers.

Around Sct. Hans (Midsummer) I take the best stems and fill them in a clean decoction bottle - as many as possible - pour a bottle of vodka on and let it soak max. Fourteen days. The chili pepper only lasts for 7 days. The mint schnapps is then filtered and returned to the original schnapps bottle. It can be drunk immediately, but gains something after a few months of storage.

Remember to taste it with the chili, you can always add more, but do not take it out.

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