A piece of smoked eel, scrambled eggs and chives

Shopping List for 4 adults

1 smoked eel approx. 400 grams
4 slices rye bread, good quality
Butter for the bread
6 organic eggs
1 tsp. white Pepper
½ tsp. turmeric (give a little color)
6 tbsp. cold water
3 tbsp. whipping cream
1 tsp. salt
1 bunch of chives
Black pepper from the mill

Make you a snaps suitable for eels as follows:
1 bottle Red Aalborg and 10 new twigs of thyme put them
in the bottle and soak for 1 week at room temperature
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe No. 43*
A piece of smoked eel, scrambled eggs and chives
A piece of smoked eel, scrambled eggs and chives

Procedure without liability: Clean the smoked eel, as indicated on this page. Put them in the fridge again until needed.

Turn 6 whole eggs in a bowl. Whipping them loosely together and get 6 tbsp. water, 3 tbsp. whipping cream and ½ tsp. turmeric 1 tsp. white pepper in and thoroughly whip the egg mass together. Pour the egg mass into a suitable flat aluminum tray (½ liter) and insert it into the oven. The oven must be prepared as follows: Fill a little water in a baking dish (1 cm high sides) and set the thermostat at 150 °C when it boils put the egg mass into the oven. Set the thermostat at 120 °C and the time to 40 minutes. The scrambled eggs are now ready made. Take it out and sprinkle with salt. Use only under-heat when the scrambled eggs are in the oven. 6 eggs give approx. 350 g scrambled eggs.

Serving: Butter the bread and arrange the eel and scrambled eggs, as shown in the picture above.

Garnish: Sprinkled with finely chopped chives and black pepper from the mill.

Drink: A cold beer and a snaps does good to the "fat" eel.

Hint: Scrambled eggs is also suitable for Rim salted salmon and smoked mackerel.

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