Home smoked herring for lunch

Shopping List for 4 adults

4 freshly smoked harvest herring
1 big red onion
1 cup chives
4 organic eggs
8 slices rye bread, good quality
Butter the rye bread
1 cup radishes
2 ripe pears
Salt and white pepper to smoked herring
A sprinkle cayenne pepper on egg yolk

Ingredients in the image on the right is for 2 persons
These two pieces of herring sandwiches are from one herring
I am an angler in Scandinavia
Recipe No. 39
Home smoked herring for lunch
Home smoked herring for lunch

Procedure without liability: If you wish to smoke your own herring, click into my website: Hot-smoking of large harvest herring.

Don't you have a chance to smoke your own herring, then purchase freshly smoked herring at your fishmonger.

You clean herring as follows: Cut the head and tail off with a very sharp knife. Open the belly, cut only from anus to tail. It is the small piece that is not cut before smoking. When the herring opened this way, backbones usually sit in one half of the herring. Help with backbones remain in the lower half of the herring. Now you take gently backbones up, so most ribs come out with it. The rest of the bones removed with a fork to scrape inclined from the center towards belly. The smaller nerve bone is so small and soft, so they pose no danger.

Serving: Serve the smoked herring on a rye bread smeared with butter. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle finely chopped red onion and chives over. Make an indentation in the herring and got a raw egg yolk in.

Garnish: I used sliced radishes and two halves of pears. Do you smoke herring yourself, try also with smoked giant prawns.

Drink: Beer and a dram are suitable for the dish.

Hint: I would just come up with a good recipe for "Herring Salad." Cut all meat from the bones, divide meat into small pieces, and blend the meat with the mayonnaise, lemon juice from a fresh lemon and white pepper after your own flavor. Serve on toast with a garnish, lettuce leaf and raw egg yolk with finely crushed red onion as sprinkle. A cold beer and a dram are extremely well suited to this. Herring salad is suitable for children as nerve bones are blended and thus not be seen or felt.

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