I am writing this page for Mobile Phone in English with Google translator. Click the Danish version and see the original Danish website.

  • Numedalslågan
  • Namsen
  • Stranda Elva
  • Öyensåa
  • Imssjöen Flemming
  • Imssjöen Tina
  • Salsbruket
  • Driva
  • Öksendalselven
  • Eibyelva
  • Korsbrekke-elven
  • Haukedalen Fishing Holiday
  • Links norske sider

  • The salmon stairs at Namsen and salmon aquarium near Grong
    The salmon stairs at Namsen and salmon aquarium near Grong

    The salmon stairs at Namsen and salmon aquarium near Grong
    The salmon stairs at Namsen and salmon aquarium near Grong

    Weather forecast Norway further info is available here:


    Telephone number information for Norway

    If you are on a fishing trip in Namsen and near Grong, you should visit the salmon stairs and the salmon aquarium approx. 25 km north out of the E6 towards Harran.

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    One day license to Numedalslågan - Danish version

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    Numedalslågan flowing into the fjord at Larvik, and the salmon is leading 55 km upstream. There are several waterfall like Holmfoss, Kjerrafoss, Brufoss and Hvittingfoss. The river is generally very wide, and therefore fishing is often done from anchored boats in some waterfalls.

    As the river is very long, there are of course also many fishing spots, and you have to buy cards for the different zones. The salmon can only pass the large waterfalls when the water flow falls below 110 m3 / sec. Generally, the fishing season is from May 15th to September 30th. The best time is probably August, if you fish upstream of the big waterfalls.

    Numedalslågan is a "hot" river, which rarely give any fish until it is 10°C to 12°C hot.

    More information about Numedalslågan see Links.

    Flemming with his first salmon
    Flemming with his first salmon

    What do I do now?
    What do I do now?

    Yes! I clean the fish, so cooks my dad dinner
    Yes! I clean the fish, so cooks my dad dinner

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    One day license to Namsen - Danish version

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    Namsen is probably the most famous river in Norway by Danish fisherman. Much has been written about this river by the "Monk", as well as other gifted fishermen. Namsen is flowing into the Namsfjorden and stretches 60 km upstream to the fishing town of Grong. The lower part is very wide and the river flows slowly, fishing most from boat - the "Harlingen-fishing." Upriver by Grong, where I fish, there is more flow on the river. It is Seem Vald, the first stretch is fly water from 18.00 pm until 06.00 am. The rest of the day you can use worm, spoon or spin-fly. Check out just the new rules which have come after 2001.

    More information about Namsen see under Links.

    Jørgen Walter med Namsen laksen på 10 kg
    Jørgen Walter with Namsen salmon at 10 kg

    Namsen laksen på 10 kg
    Namsen salmon at 10 kg

    Downstream the fly water, where I took the salmon can be fished with spin-fly. I had just arrived at the site early Sunday morning and had furnished me with my tent 10 m from the river, and then I would try my luck. The first cast grab into something I thought was the bottom, but no! it was in the mouth of a 10 kg salmon. The time was 12.00, and all fishermen had gone up from the river. Here I was all alone on the cliff and fought with a large salmon, which would prefer swimming into the cliff. Did it, would the line be cut off. My rescue came - I thought - in the form of two small boys in 4 to 6 years. I asked them to go up after their father, so he could come and help. Do you know what they said? No! We would rather stand here and look at you. I was eventually forced the salmon upstream, where the rock formed a bathtub, and my too small nets were placed over the salmon. The day was saved.

    Map Seems Vald
    Map Seems Vald

    Map Seems Vald
    Map Seems Vald

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    Stranda Elva

    One day license to Stranda Elva - Danish version

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    Stranda Elva is flowing into Storfjorden at the city Stranda. The fishing stretch is 8 km and salmon and sea trout can be caught. It is permitted to fish with worms, but there are also good features for fly fishing upstream. See Svein Lunde website of mountain hiking. They follow the river a long way up in the mountains.

    The river is divided in to zones, and one must purchase fishing license for the various zones. I only fished in the zone, located at the city Stranda. There is also a camping place 100 m from the river and 100 m from the city Stranda and a hotel close to the river.

    I stand at the mouth of the river in Hellesylt
    I stand at the mouth of the river in Hellesylt

    Elven springs from a high lake. Here frozen in June
    Elven springs from a high lake. Here frozen in June

    We sailed from Geiranger to Hellesylt, where the river empties at the opposite end in Geiranger fjord. Of course we just had to try fishing in the clear waters of the fjord before we continued our trip. There were bites almost every time, but it was pollack or saithe that we caught. They also taste good as steamed saithe fillet.

    Here in the fjord, the ship docks, where we caught many  pollack or saithe
    Here in the fjord, the ship docks, where we caught many pollack or saithe

    The sailing trip to Hellesylt on the Geiranger fjord. A fantastic boat trip
    The sailing trip to Hellesylt on the Geiranger fjord. A fantastic boat trip

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    One day license to Öyensåa - Danish version

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    Öyensåa is probably less known to Danish fishermen. It joins the river Ferga, forming Årgårdselva, which flows out in the fjord Lyngen, which again empties into the Namsfjord. So all three rivers are salmon-bearing and Öyensåa is salmon-bearing to the lake Øy ungen.

    This is where we started fishing downstream of the small waterfall
    This is where we started fishing downstream of the small waterfall

    The fish stretch is about 5 km and the local conditions are very varied. You find waterfall, "culpe" and "stryg", where you can fish with worms, spin and fly. It is mostly small salmon that are caught, but a giant of 15 kg has also been caught in the river.

    It was here on the farm that we lived in a tent by the farmer
    It was here on the farm that we lived in a tent by the farmer

    I got to know the river through two fishing buddies from NRK. They had been there a week and had caught 50 small salmon - each. They told me that I should buy a fishing license from the farmer on the farm and then I could set up a tent on the farm for free. I did so, but when the farmer saw that I had red wine with me, a bottle was enough for a fishing license and free fishing for a week. It became a week where I mainly lived on small salmon and eggs from the farm. The largest salmon of approx. 4 kg the farmer got for his family.

    The fishing season is from June 1st to August 31st and is dependent on rainfall.

    Fly fishing on the waterfall neck in Öyensåa
    Fly fishing on the waterfall neck - in calm weather and a little water

    I fished with both fly and worm. Worm because I lived not far from the manure and could dig small fresh worms every day. So instead of a fly, a worm or two came on the hook. The salmon could not resist.

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    Imssjöen Flemming

    One day license to Imssjöen Flemming - Danish version

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    Imssjöen located in Imsdalen which is surrounded by Guldbrandt Valley and Øster Valley. The wooden hut is located in the northeastern end of the southernmost lake next to the water, where also a solid alu boat is anchored.

    From Oslo drive by E6 to Lillehammer and continue towards Ringebu. It is advisable to stay in Ringebu and make all your purchases of grocery because the hut is far from the nearest grocery store, and once you get into Imsdalsvejen to the hut, you must pay a toll every time you pass the boom. Remember the first time to pay the toll and put the ticket in the window, otherwise you will get trouble with the local.

    We have just arrived at the wooden hut and then we have to go fishing
    We have just arrived at the wooden hut and then we have to go fishing

    As you can see on the picture, the cottage lays on bars. Living room is on first floor. There are two bedrooms with two beds in each, and the living room - kitchen/living room - has gas stove and all service. Toilets are outside in the woods. A stereo toilet without drag and drop, but with fresh air. If rules are not changed, the cottage is rented only for two weeks at a time and only from June, 22. to August, 4.

    I'm just waiting and see what happens, maybe I'll get a big trout
    I'm just waiting and see what happens, maybe I'll get a big trout

    NB: When we were in Norway, all food was expensive, for example we had to have a cucumber, the cucumber lay on a cutting board with a knife next to it. You had to cut a piece of approx. 10 cm and it cost 30 NOK. Not to mention a bottle of red wine for 300 NOK. Plus transport of 100 km and toll every time you cross the barrier.

    Contact Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund for further information.

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    Imssjöen Tina

    One day license to Imssjöen Tina - Danish version

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    There are many fishing opportunities in the area. But above all, try the lake from the boat in the bright nights. My daughter Tina took the largest lake trout of 2.8 kg and 61 cm middle of the night on worms. Otherwise, the fish are not large. Many less than 30 cm, which we decided was the minimum size, were released.

    Here is the night's catch for Tina. Sea trout 61 cm and 2.8 kg
    Here is the night's catch for Tina. Sea trout 61 cm and 2.8 kg

    Tina's sea trout 61 cm and 2.8 kg
    Tina's sea trout 61 cm and 2.8 kg

    Here's the night's catch for Flemming. Sea trout 31 cm and 500 g
    Here's the night's catch for Flemming. Sea trout 31 cm and 500 g

    Flemming's sea trout 31 cm and 500 g
    Flemming's sea trout 31 cm and 500 g

    Follow the tiny mountain river behind the house up the hill to get to Fampsetter bedrock. A glorious hiking but watch the weather, it can rapidly turn in to rain, snow, thunder and stormy weather. Here is a small lake filled with small mountain trout. We took 6 of them back home to barbecue, but may reduce the minimum size to 25 cm. These mountain trout are white in the flesh. There are probably no crustaceans in the lake as it is so high up.

    Drive back to Friisvejen, but before you reach it, there is a raised moor lake to the left. This lake is in connection with various watercourses in the area, and you catch brown trout in this lake. Local implanting fish in the lake, but does not imagine it is a Put & Take Lake, the fish are spread in all watercourses.

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    One day license to Salsbruket - Danish version

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    At the bottom of Opløfjorden in Nærøy municipality you find the old industrial site Salsbruket in Ytre Namdal. Salsbruket is not something you run for, but simply takes on an excursion from Namsen (61 km from Grong). It is a small river called Opløelva, with outlet in Opløfjorden, which again leads to Fold Fjorden. It is a short distance you can go fishing, and it is in principle only by high tide, you can go fishing when the salmon come up with the tide.

    The river mouths into the fjord. There are lots of saithe, cod and ling
    The river mouths into the fjord. There are lots of saithe, cod and ling

    We arrived at low tide and bought fishing license in the old pub - I think it is called "Kafe Moose" - and went far down to the river, measured in vertical direction. Suddenly we had to flee 3-4 m up the slopes when the tide came. Then came the salmon too, I had the first salmon on the hook after 10 minutes. It was a brief fight, because it was not possible to steer the salmon around the many rocks that are at the bottom of the river, so the line was cut. New stronger line on the fishing reel and the same fate happened again after half an hour. What can one learn from this? You must take all gear with you when you go on an excursion. Well! at low tide one catches saithe and cod, so the dinner was saved for this time.

    The estuary of the river in the fjord for the piece of salmon
    The estuary of the river in the fjord for the piece of salmon

    The fish stretch ends at the point and notched to the left. By high tide there is water all the way up to the edge of the rocks, which are seen on both sides of the river. You only see the local fishermen 1 hour before and after high tide. But then they also go home with today's ration - a salmon.

    The river's outlet in the fjord before the fire in 1985
    The river's outlet in the fjord before the fire in 1985

    If you want to read about Salsbruket's history and leaching of gold in the river, visit Svein Idar Iversens on facebook, he previously had a web site. Svein has kindly lent this picture of the burnt factory to my website. The old picture of the outlet is from 1974, that was before the factory burned down in 1985.

    The river's outlet in the fjord after the fire. The stretch here always yields salmon, but there are large rocks in the river
    The river's outlet in the fjord after the fire. The stretch here always yields salmon, but there are large rocks in the river

    The green piece of grass in front of the red house is the fish stretch, it is less than 100 meters. The picture is taken at almost low tide and there is no water flowing through the house to the left. You can just glimpses the hole in the basement, where the water must flow out and the salmon pull up.

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    One day license to Driva - Danish version

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    The river Driva flows into the bottom of Sunndalsfjorden at the city Sunndalsöre. Driva is a large and wide river, which stretches 70 km from the city through Sunndal Oppdal. You ride along the river almost all the time and find many good fishing places.

    Driva zone 1, 2 and 3
    Driva zone 1, 2 and 3

    We went to Sunndalsöre and lived in Furu Campingcenter, located a stone's cast from the river in Zones 1, 2 and 3. At the time I was there, the salmon was gone because of rotenone treatment for the parasite Gyrodactylus Salaris. It is the parasite who only attack salmon gills. The sea trout enjoyed the benefits as there was a shortage of salmon. There were many and large of its kind.

    Beautiful sea trout from Driva at 4 kg - thick and fat
    Beautiful sea trout from Driva at 4 kg - thick and fat

    Midsummer - Holy Hans - is time for the big sea trout - more than 10 kg. Late July early August, many small sea trout comes up in the river. I was lucky to catch a nice sea trout of 4 kg with worms in zone 1, almost out in the outlet. Today, the salmon returned and it was perhaps an idea to try Driva again. See the big salmon on Driva's website.

    More information about Driva see Links.

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    One day license to Öksendalselven - Danish version

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    Öksendalselven also called Usmaelva is located 15 km northwest from Sunndalsöre in Sunndalsfjorden. We visited the river in relation to fisheries in Driva. A ride along the river up through Öksendalen is a fantastic trip. It feels back to old times where time stood still. Everything breathes in peace.

    It is a very clear river, and there is momentum in the water in many places. We stopped at Sætran Camping 4 km inside the valley and inquired us about fishing license. We bought fishing license and began fishing downstream the river with a fly. I think we had 20 small trout at max 20 cm, all were released.

    Map for Sætran Camping
    Map for Sætran Camping

    I later learned that the river is protected in terms of catching salmon, since it is affected by the parasite Gyrodactylus Salaris. It was unfortunately not told us when we bought the fishing license. The fishing season starts late from July, 15. to September, 15.

    Unspoiled Usma River - until 2008
    Unspoiled Usma River - until 2008

    Latest news is I have read that NVE has applied in 2006 for permission to build a power plant in Selbu municipality. It will take water from rivers Usma and Gardåa. Another unfortunate actions to destroy the trout spawning grounds.

    Authorization was given to NVE in 2008.

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    One day license to Eibyelva - Danish version

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    Eibyelva is a tributary of the Altaelva. The river contains salmon on a 20 km stretch from Altaelva and upstream to the road bridge (road 93), where Trangdalselva flows into Eibyelva.

    It is a very interesting river to fish in. The lower stretch has strings and "kulpe?" with sand and gravel, ideal for fly fishing. The upper stretch has great rock and mountain terrain with deep holes, suitable for immersion a worm in before July, 10. After this date may only be fished with a fly.

    The most common catch is salmon, arctic charr and sea trout of 2 kg, but some salmon on 15 kg and many of 5 to 9 kg have been caught. The fishing season divides up according to species. Fishing for salmon is from June, 1. to August, 31. Fishing for arctic charr is from June, 15. to August, 17. Fishing for sea trout is from 15 June to September, 14. Since I do not have some good pictures of the river and catches from the river, you should try You Tube. Here you will find many good things about the river.

    Map of Altaelva and Eibyelva
    Map of Altaelva and Eibyelva

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    One day license to Korsbrekke-elven - Danish version

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    Korsbrekkelva is a small river where fishing license can not be purchased, as the river is hired for fishing at a number of years. The river flows out in the bottom of Sunnylvsfjorden by city Hellesylt. Part of Geiranger Fjord. We came to the river by chance and saw a fantastic sight. Ultimate spawning grounds, waterfalls and pools with gin clear water with jumping salmon, and mountains with snow on top. There may be fished in the river on a 2.5 km long stretch until one of the largest waterfalls where salmon and trout must give up.

    The large waterfall in the Korsbrekke river
    The large waterfall in the Korsbrekke river

    The river was given a rotenone treatment in 90s when found Gyrodactylus Salaris. But since this the river has been declared "Gyrodactylus free" as one of the first rivers in Norway. As I said, you can not usually buy fishing license to the river, but by contacting landowners, you can get permission to fish a few hours to 100 NOK. Medium weight for trout is not much around 1 to 2 kg and salmon around 3 to 4 kg. The fishing season is from July, 1. to August, 31. See eventual changes in fisheries on the following websites: Stadheimfossen - Aasen Gård, because I believe it now (in 2008) is possible to buy fishing license for the river. Stadheim Gård rents out holiday cabins right down to the river.

    The large waterfall in the Korsbrekke river
    The large waterfall in the Korsbrekke river

    We bought a fishing license at a house - kiosk - which is close to the road and right down to the pool, which is seen in the picture above. My Norwegian fishing buddy, who is seen in the picture, is fishing with a blink and got a small salmon of a few kilos.

    Look upstream Korsbrekke river, in the middle of summer there is snow on top
    Look upstream Korsbrekke river, in the middle of summer there is snow on top

    We drove further up the road and came to the top of the mountain where the river springs. Here it was still snowing in July.

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    Haukedalen Fishing Holiday

    One day license to Haukedalen Fishing Holiday - Danish version

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    Fishing holidays for the summer of 2005 went to Haukedalen Fishing Holidays in Norway. Located in the Western Country in Förde municipality at the bottom of Fördefjorden, close to Svanøybukten south of Florø. A tour of 1050 km from Copenhagen via Sweden.

    My first small trout of 30 cm from Terje's fishing water below the farm
    My first small trout of 30 cm from Terje's fishing water below the farm

    A detailed direction from Oslo can be found here. Several routes can be used. In summer, select the route that passes Gaularfjellet to saves toll 150 NOK through the mountain tunnel. Moreover, it is also a national tourist road with beautiful scenery.

    We are on our way up to a fishing trip from a boat at the sæter hut at 600 meters altitude
    We are on our way up to a fishing trip from a boat at the "sæter hut" at 600 meters altitude

    A good fishing experience in a magnificent nature with friendly and helpful people we had in abundance. You may fish in the Gaula river known locally as Haukedalselven and Haukedalsvandet and in the three mountain waters in 600 meters in altitude. You have your own boat with life jackets available for adults and children, but only to the first mountain water. The pictures here are from June 2005 when the catch was taken in Gaula river and mountain water. There are several good fishing waters in the area.

    View of Haukedalsvandet, autumn in high sunshine. Jan has un-hooked a small trout
    View of Haukedalsvandet, autumn in high sunshine. Jan has un-hooked a small trout

    For lake trout in Norwegian called aure there is no minimum size. But one takes only the size which is suitable for eating and, of course, only the number that you can eat during the stay. It is therefore a good idea to bring an ABU smoker so you can cook the fish in several ways. Medium weight is 300 grams but see how big they can be caught 2.8 kg 61 cm with a conditioning factor of 1.23. It is great size for a lake trout.

    We were invited up to Terje's neighbor for a beer tasting of homemade wheat beer
    We were invited up to Terje's neighbor for a beer tasting of homemade wheat beer

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    Here are links to other Web sites in Norway, which you can enjoy entering. You will find many interesting facts concerning the fishing reports, fishing season, prices, accommodation, directions, weather forecast, fishing gear and bait. Here you find also the world wide weather reports, and train travel in the country that you can use in connection with your fishing tours.

    I include these links only as a service and the inclusion of a link does not mean that I have accepted or seen the website. Have some links been useless might the website being dismantled or converted.

    Angling associations

    Korshamn Rorbuer
    Numedalslågen, Brufoss

    Information on fishing

    Fiskeguiden Norge
    Lakseelvene på Sørlandet
    Norsk Natur
    Overhalla Namsen
    Nidelva, Sør-Trøndelag
    Trysil Fluefiske
    Velkommen til Trysil

    Campsites - Cabins

    Hamresanden Camping
    Haukedalen Fishing Holiday
    Norske Campingpladser

    Weather forecast in Norway


    Fishing tackle shops

    Transport - Forest & Nature Agency

    NSB Persontrafikk med tog og buss i Norge

    Salmon quotas - Water portal

    Lykkeberg Sild

    Put & Take Lakes in Norway

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