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![]() Many salmon are caught in the Örekil River. Here Dan got a salmon of approx. 3 kg ![]() Night fishing for eel with worm (mask), then sausages on the grill with a "sharp" The weather forecast Stockholm further info is available here: Wunderground.com Örekilsälven is a great river to fish in. We were there when it was allowed to fish with worms in the night for eels. Now it is unfortunately prohibited. Prices are also on the rise every year. Inquire about water flow and prices before you even leave.
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Stensån is divided into two different fish associations. The fishing permit to the lower part has Nedre Stensåens FVO. Fishing stretch runs from Öresjöen and out to the sea, it is a distance of around 1.5 km. I fish mostly on that stretch. The lake is visible on the map. Öresjöen located just by the road into the city Båstad on the right hand side after the petrol tank. I fish with UL gear, as most trout is at 2 Kg and salmon at 3 Kg. Once the "BIG" comes, you must jump into the river to get him. I speak from bitter experience, when I had a salmon on the hook at least 8 Kg. There was nothing to do, he took 100 m line and was gone.
Upstream of the E-6 motorway, the river is divided into 2 zones and it is "Stensåens Mellersta FVO" that has the fishing rights, it is also called Stensåns Laxfiske. If you click on the site, you will find a detailed map of the route. Here you will find the stretch of 13 km in short form from "Länsgränsen (E6) to Dönaredalen". The stretch with red is very straight and less interesting and therefore relatively uninteresting as a residence for the salmon. The stretch with green is with many turns and very interesting and with many good stands for the salmon. There are many opportunities to drive directly to the creek and park the car. On the upper stretch - Dönaredalen - approx. 2.5 km long through forest, the salmon is protected. Many turns and rocks in the water, quite shallow in periods of drought. I mean it is private fishing only for the landowners. The pictures below show some catches from the lower part of Stensån, as well as our residences by Stensån in the Båstad houses. ![]() Jørgen with a sea trout in a "play suit" from Stensån ![]() Jan with a rainbow trout from Stensån Guests who come to Båstad and would like to smoke their own fish, should visit Troentorp clogs factory. They produce beautiful clogs of alder. You can buy these clogs at factory price and smoker dust of alder for your Smoking Oven or ball grill. Read about some good catches from Stensån during our stay in the past years. |
Rønne Å
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Rønne Å flowing into the sea at the town Ängelholm. Much has happened with Rønneåen. A new fish association is formed in the lower part of the river Ängelholms Sports & Fiskevårdsförening. You can see the fishing stretch on their website and where you buy fishing license.
There is another river, which is worth visiting. It is Rössjöholmsåen which flow into the Rönneåen. We visited only the river but you can read more on the HSK website and where you buy fishing license. ![]() The lower part of Rönne Å For guests coming up in Båstad houses, and will try to fish in the Put & Take water, should try to enter this site Hyllinge pond. Here you can click on a map and finding your way to the pond and see what fish you can catch in the pond. The pond is also called Tegelbruks pond because one has dug clay out in the old days for bricks. The page is the club's website and the rules are very similar to the rules we have in "Regnbuen" in Karlstrup. Only spin- and fly fishing are permitted. ![]() Trout from Rönne Å lower part I will visit Rönneåen in April 2004, so there will be a good fish story and a beautiful picture with a salmon or trout. I think? To read more about Rönneåen, click this site: Rönneåen. The picture I have "borrowed" from the page where Lars says it's a sea trout of 2 Kg caught March, 14. 2004 in Rønneån. ![]() Lars with a 2 kg sea trout The picture was taken before I wrote my fishing diary and one of the first fishing tours in Skåne and Halland in the early 90s. We were 6 fish friends in a week's tour around the country to try our fishing luck in several rivers. |
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Family day in Lagan Sunday September, 23. 2001 attracted over 400 stalwart fishermen from near and far. It was told that the local had caught over 60 salmon and trout Friday before, so it was no wonder that there were not caught anything special on this day.
![]() Dan and Jørgen take a lunch break We started at 10.00 in Lagan's outlet to the sea. One after another small sea trout took our lure. All were below size and was released. Later, we drove to the city Laholm where lunch was taken. The place was crowded and no places to fish, so we went back to "Rensningsværket = Purification Plant". Here, we meet several FLS'er who also used this lovely day for free fishing. ![]() Lagan by the highway, where it is very wide Lagan is a nice river to fish in, but just very large, so you should preferably know the good places, because otherwise you can put a lot of gear to the bottom. ![]() A 2.5 kg salmon "besa" to be released On April 4, 2002, we went back to Lagan to try our fishing luck. We selected a spot in the woods upstream of the E6 motorway where we had previously fished and where Dan had caught a sea trout on a "goes through lure". The water level was again very adequate so we could wade out to the waterfront. I immediately took the "good" place and started fishing with the homemade spinners. Nothing happened, for they did not go deep enough into the great and deep river. I had to go back and switch to something else. Dan, meanwhile, had found his old "goes through lure" and mounted it on the line, so he immediately went out to the river bank and began fishing. You do not believe - "bang" - it was a salmon again. Same place and same "goes through lure". Later, he again caught a fish on the same "goes through lure". Unfortunately, it was a "salmon besa". "Ran through lure" in black and silver, however, was set in to the bottom at a later time, so now Dan is looking for new one in the same colors. "Ran through lure" in Danish "Gennemløber". The line goes through a hole in the lure. Can you help with the word in English? |
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Nissan is dammed for water in Oskar Ström. Above Power Plant is not much to do. We tried Nissan early in the season, but there was too much water in the river, so the good places we could not reach. We meet for lunch and take home to the hut and make pork roast with crisp rind. Coming back a second time and shows the catch.
![]() We take a lunch break on a sunny spot in the woods Ten years have elapsed since the above has been written, and much has happened with the river Nissan. On the upper stretch above the Power Plant at Oskar Ström, there is now an established form of Put & Take stream water. One put out regularly rainbow trout and brown trout in Nissan and Svanån that just after the release can be caught on almost anything. But only after a few weeks they will behave like wild fish, and must therefore be caught by "cunning". Fly fishing in early spring is best with large provocative flies, later best with imitation flies. Spin fishing is best with small spinner "De Danske Spinner" in the colors red, orange, yellow or white. The water is hummus stained like the water in Stensån. Please select the website and read more: Isaberg Sports Fiske Centrum. ![]() Torben was just about to try out Nissan's outlet in Halmstad harbor |
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There are several opportunities for fishing in Ätran, but the most famous stretch is probably Falkenbergs Sport fishing, which the Tourist Office has arranged in the town of Falkenberg itself. Dan was the only one who caught a sea trout on our trip. He took it on a red runner, he thought at first it was a salmon, but later had to admit that it was a big nice sea trout. In the background, the chef - Bent with a good red wine in the glass - is ready to prepare dinner. It became a gentleman's dinner for 6 people. Thanks to Dan and not least to the chef for the fine dinner.
![]() Dan's beautiful sea trout of approx. 2.5 kg Panoramic image from Ätran 2007 made with Autostitch ![]() The shrimp bridge on March 26, 2007. The bridge has been washed away in the middle ![]() Rejebroen on 2 September 2007. The bridge has been rebuilt In connection with our fishing trip to Stensån in March 2007, we drove to Ätran to see if we were ready for the premiere on Saturday 31 March. The winter with the heavy rainfall had washed away the "Shrimp Bridge", and on March 26, 2007, the result looks like the picture above. The fisherman's house was also under water. The craftsmen were replacing the floor and wooden walls 60 cm up from the floor. The bottom picture shows the new "Shrimp Bridge" on September 2, 2007. |
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Örekilsälven is perhaps little known by Danish fishermen, but it is worth visiting. One catch more salmon per fisherman than catch in Mörrum. And so are the prices still reasonable, and you may tents at the clubhouse.
![]() Here's the reality - a salmon and a pike We visited Örekilsälven late June early July 2001, when the weather became extremely hot the day after we arrived, so it was unfortunately not many salmon. Dan got his little salmon on fly July, 1. middle of the day, and I even got a monster at 4 Kg. I fished with UL gear, a 6 foot spin rod and Mepps 2 Spinner, so it was something that moved a pike of 4 Kg. The image below was taken a warm evening at eight o'clock, when we were on eel fishing with worms. It was allowed that year. We got so many that we could eat fried eel days after. We will have to change the salmon fishery next year, then there will probably be a really good picture of a salmon or two. ![]() Here's the reality - a pike Now it was June 2002 and we were taken up to the river with high hopes for fishing salmon. The "Weather God" must be with us, because the river is very sensitive to rainfall. Oh no! Once again, too hot and too little water. We took to Ljusne River after a few days. It should just be noted that we have caught many eels again and big lake middle of the night. It is still allowed to fish with worms. ![]() A little hard to see but here I am with a nice eel The latest news for 2003 is that "worm bathing" throughout the river has been banned. It is also forbidden to catch eels, they must be released. Prices have also skyrocketed. Now they match with Mörrum's prices. But the salmon is there, it's just about getting there at the right time. If you want to visit the place, follow the weather and look for the temperature and water level in the river on this site: Örekilsälvens Laxfiske ![]() Even during the holidays you have to work |
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Byskeälven far north is extremely large, so it is not easy to find the right fishing stretch if you are not known with the river. We were there for two weeks and tried to fish in many places before we found the salmon and a small trout.
![]() Beautiful Steel Head of 3 kg There are 3 km downstream Fällfors a large waterfall where the salmon take shelter for the heavy flow in the river. This is where the water runs out over the cliff. Here I threw my spoon blank and BANG, so there was a 10 Kg salmon on the hook, but only for a micro second. He jumped one meter out of the water and beyond the waterfall. Here, nothing could hold, not even Fire lines up to 30 Kg. ![]() The food must be cooked A day with high sunshine, we went out to the sea and found in the lagoon great many people who stood fishing. This we had to try too, as they caught one trout after another. We also started to catch fish (Steel Head), so now we realize that we had come to a "Put & Take Sea." It was free to fish, but we paid the fish back on the beach with 70 SEK / Kg. Here is in a Steel Head for 210 SEK. Today's question: What weighs the fish? ![]() The old bridge in Fällfors and salmon stairs However! We caught grayling and perch in Byskeälven, so we got something to eat. Would you even try to fish in Vesterbottom, then go to this website and find the good salmon rivers in Northern Sweden. ![]() A local fisherman landing a salmon |
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I have visited the Ljusne River several times with good fishing friends, but the fishing stretch with salmon is not very long, as the first Power Plant is located 1500 m from the river outlet in the sea. This is also where the campsite is located. Below the campsite there is a small harbor for the small commercial fishermen who fish for salmon in the mouth of the river. Dan visited a fisherman one early morning and had this picture taken of a salmon of approx. 15 kg.
![]() Dan presents a salmon of 15 kg borrowed from a commercial fisherman Power Plant hatches salmon eggs and put smolt into the river. It is an amazing sight to see these big salmon up to 30 Kg coming up the river by twilight. They come as soldiers shoulder to shoulder, so there is great opportunity for error hooking, but watch out for the mistaking hooked salmon must be released. ![]() We are about to smoke small herring - "strömming" One day we drove to the nearest "big" town to fish strömming in the harbor. These small herring come in to the shore at this time of year and in a matter of hours we had caught over 100 herring. That was enough for a men's dinner for three after they had been smoked. Guts and head are removed, the rest is salted and smoked and then eaten whole in a mouthful on bread with beer and schnapps. I myself lost several large salmon before they came ashore well, but a nice sea trout of 4.6 Kg and 73 cm I got then on spin/fly lure, as well as several smaller trout between 1.5 Kg and 2.5 Kg just for the smoke oven. The sea trout of 4.6 Kg I got downstream of the power plant, where the salmon is usually caught. Heavy gear must be used for fishing here, because otherwise you lose end gear very often. Typical fishing is spin/fly lure with lead-free sinker of 60 - 150 g and a powerful tube fly. Or ordinary fly fishing with a strong and rapid sinking flyline. ![]() Min 4.6 Kg sea trout from Ljusnefors. Sorry the image is blurry, but it was scanned from a paper image. I first got a digital camera in 1999. Upstream of the first power plant and just downstream of the second power plant, the smaller trout are caught for the smoke oven. Note the new rules for fishing on the Cape (Udden) in the year 2002. See map of Nedre Ljusnan. ![]() The campsite where we always lay in tents below the reception Tent pitch by the river |
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I may not need to write much about the Mörrumsåen, as it is known by many Danish fishermen, but we in our association have been there several times without bringing fish home. It is claimed that one has to fish five times in the creek before catching fish. I believe that, for the fourth time we were there, I got hit by a salmon on a Gladsakse wobbler. A fierce battle unfolded both in the water and in the air. After a nice somersault, the fish went free, and now I have to go to it again for the fifth time. I estimated the fish at about 6 kg. More information about Mörrumsåen see Links.
![]() Arrival at Mörumsåen ![]() Ib tries his luck ![]() Kjeld tries his luck ![]() Torben tries his luck ![]() Here we are sitting the last evening in Mörum and make plans for the next day |
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That was what we planned the last night in Mörum to drive to Harasjömåla Fiskecamp the next day, it is basically a Put & Tage fishing environment, which was previously under SVEASKOG . It was the same ownership of Mörrumsåen, but as I understand it, it has now become independent and has changed its name to: Harasjømåla Fiske Camp. Fishing is not experienced as if it were a Put & Take water. There are 17 lakes with trout of different species as well as pike and perch, not to forget the magnificent stretch of flies with powerful rainbow trout giving battle to the line.
Cabins can be rented, camped in tents and provisions can be purchased in the tenant. If you want a quiet fishing holiday with the family in beautiful surroundings, it is recommended to visit the place, as you feel that you are far away from the main road. ![]() Arrival at Harasjömåla ![]() One of many small waterfalls ![]() A good stream-fly-water ![]() Water intake from the lake to the fly stretch |
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Ice fishing on Jällunsjöen
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FLS Sportsfiskeforening was on ice fishing in Sweden in winter 1996, when the ice was 60 cm thick at this wonderful lake. We had heard that there was implanted "Röding = Arctic Char" in Jällunsjöen and it should of course be tested. After many efforts, we got hollow in the ice and tried every imaginable kind of bait. But unfortunately we got no fish. Local fisherman drove around in the car on the lake and drilled several holes in the ice and put some special fishing rods up with flags on. They could then see from the shore when there were fish on the hook. Then the flag went up. We got some great tips for Röding fishing that we will use next time. Röding goes close to land on a sandy bottom, to start their "sprawning". It was also here, the local fishermen drilled their holes. There are several subspecies of Röding: Fjällröding - Kanadaröding - Lake trout The taste is between trout and salmon.
![]() FLS Sportfiskerforening on ice fishing Warning to everyone, be sure the ice can carry, look for a Volvo on the ice. ![]() FLS Sportsfiskerforening Landsted in Sweden at Christmas time We lived in Ulvstugan, located approx. 25 km from Jällunsjöen. |
Svågan Älv
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We have visited a new river in Sweden during our stay in central Sweden. The river meanders through Svåga valley from its source in Skånsjön far to the northwest to its inlet in Norrdellen by Friggesund. It is not a river that one just finds. We were in Ljusne and got "tired" of catching salmon, so we inquired about a good stalling water.
110 km northwest of Ljusne is Friggesund, where the river ends up in the Lake Norrdellen. From here there are two country roads up the river. One on the south side and the other on the north side. We took the north side and drove towards Ängebo. 6 km before Ängebo we came to a small, beautiful camping site called Sördala Natur Camping, which is surrounded by the river. However, we did not have to camp but buy fishing licenses. Unfortunately! the camp manager was not there, so we continued to Ängebo, where the fishing license was bought from the local grocery store. ![]() Click for a larger map We got our fishing license, as well as a map of the area with some good fishing tips from the treasurer lady. We continued towards Brännås. Here where the road leading over the river, there is a resting place on the right hand side with tables and benches, and some interesting fishing spots. First lunch and then go for fishing. ![]() Svågan Älv seen from the bridge We got only some small grayling, which was released. Slide Show click here. We split up at the bridge, I went upstream and Dan downstream. It tooks not many minutes before Dan got bite of the "big" fish. If it was a grayling, then it had to be a big one. Believe it or not, it was a brown trout at 1.2 Kg. Up with the modern digital camera, because now a picture had to be taken. Oh my G.., the battery was discharged. Typically Dan, so the trout were released, it was graylings we had come after. The sky was cloudless when we arrived, but after three hours a huge thunderstorm pulled up over our heads so we had to get in the car. Dan fears the thunder, when lightning strikes 50 meters from one. We tried that in Ljusne once. Even for me, it became too much. Further upstream we saw blue skies, so we continued northwest on until we again came across a bridge with an open-air camp with outdoor open WC. The first wild bite I got was in a "flowing back water", had to be a large trout. But no! a nice perch of 1 Kg. We were above Tvärforsen, where only perch and pike, are found in the river. |
Pike fishing from boat on Hjärtaredssjön
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Imagine that you are invited to a birthday party in Sweden in the month of November, where all trout and salmon fishing is protected, and must live by Högvadsåen, which is a tributary of Ätran. What do you do then? Looking for a good pike water of course. There is a pike water just 5 km from Ullared where we were supposed to live. See how beautiful the lake is on November 2, 2004. The fish jumped in the surface. There are pike, perch, roach, tench, whitefish, siklöja and eels in this lake.
![]() Pike fishing from boat on Hjärtaredssjön Of course, my 7 foot fishing rod is always in the car, so it was just a matter of buying some pike lures that fit the rod max 20 g. It was not difficult in Ullared, because here is Scandinavia's largest department store, which even gets Bilka in Denmark to pale and Henrik Dahls discount prices to resemble "usury prices". See for yourself the case and click on Gekås Ullared. ![]() Pike fishing from boat on Hjärtaredssjön The catch, in the 4 hours I was on the lake, turned into a small pike of less than 1 Kg and a large one of approx. 4 Kg. Both were re-released. Where the lake crosses into the river - by the road bridge where the boat is located - there is current water, and here I got a big fish (approx. 1 Kg) on my lure , but it slipped just before it was to be netted. The fish was shiny, and in my opinion it was a whitefish, in Danish it is a Whitefish = Sik. A salmon fish with a small mouth that is difficult to catch. Is often a by-catch for fly fishermen fishing for grayling. |
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Västersjön is 460 hectare big. The lake is located 66 m above sea level and has a normal depth of 4 to 5 meters, but the greatest depth is 13 meters, at a recess in the northern part of the lake. This recess is also called "banana" because of its shape. Västersjön get its water from all the trenches which drain Hallandsåsen. Västersjön runs out in Rössjön, which is just up to Västersjön. From Rössjön runs Rössjöholmsån in to Rönneåen which is located in Skälderviken. Fishing opportunities in Västersjön are perch, bream, pike-perch, pike, roach, tench and eel. Pike-perch has been implanted long time ago and one has taken fine specimens of this species. The largest of 8 kg were taken in 2004. Pike caught up to 10 kg but only in a few numbers. In winter the lake is a popular pimpel water, provided it is frozen, but it does not happen too often.
![]() Pike and perch fishing on Västersjön with TV2 Summer Lorry Monday July, 18. 2005 we went to Västersjön with the film team from TV2 Lorry to try our fishing luck in the wonderful lake. The weather was almost too good for fishing but good for a wonderful scenery. I caught a small pike on wobler in red white color and John a little perch on a spoon also in red white color. We also tried for eels with worms close to land at 3 meters depth, where the bottom was soft and covered with "eelgrass". Had it been at night, I was sure we had eels to my Smoking Oven. ![]() Fishing trip was sent on July, 21. 2005 on TV2 Lorry. I make a big thank you to Jonas Högfeldt and Leif Oldén from the local fishing club who kindly made boats available. Without these two wonderful boats with gasoline and electricity engine, it was not possible to make this magnificent TV recording. At the same time, a big thank you to Rune Pålsson, which facilitated the first contact to Västersjöns Fiskevårdsförening. |
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Smedjeån og Oxhultasjön
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