I am writing this page in English with Google translator. Click the Danish version and see the original Danish website.
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I will tell you about the many different fishing locations in Scandinavia, where I have been fishing alone or with my good fish friends.
Of course, there are many other good fishing spots that I have not yet tried, but in the nature of things, I can only write about the places where I myself have been. As something new I will also write about planned fishing holidays. The website is not a "Fishing Guide" but more a "Diary" of good fishing experiences in Scandinavia, which I would like to share with other anglers and anglers. |
You probably notice that I (consistently) avoid mentioning prices on my website. It is based on the consideration that they change year by year, but try to go to the various links yourself, then you will probably find the updated prices and other relevant news for the mentioned places.
I will update the site with new catch accompanied by pictures and text, as they received. So stick with my regular a'jour website. If you have any questions or comments about my website, please write in my guestbook. Or use this form for username and password for the relevant "Club New" and "Catch Report" pages. Under comments, please write only what is related to the website, as well as about fishing in Scandinavia. Anonymous posts and e-mail with the return address 'no-reply' will be deleted by my SpamKiller without being read. My CV can be found here. COPYRIGHT © 2002 ON ALL IMAGES |
I have been fishing in Denmark, Sweden and Norway for many years and have enjoyed returning to these fantastic fishing spots. Sometimes with great success, sometimes with less success. But never mind! - That is what makes fishing so exciting. And then the fishing trips to the high north are also considered a relaxed summer holiday with wonderful nature experiences together with good fishing buddies.
In the menu on the left side you can "click" in and see fish places that I visited in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and good fish recipes. Club news ("Klub nyt") and Catch reports ("Fangstrapport") require a Username and Password. Send me a request through my "Guestbook" or use this Form so you can sign in. Additional pages with "Aromatic Schnapps", "Cheese" and "Electronics" are also added. |
For the anglers's friends in:
FLS Sportsfiskerforening Køge Sportsfiskerforening Solrød Sportsfiskerklub Nedre Stensåens FVO Varde Sportsfiskerforening I bring the page, "Klub nyt" with the latest news from the clubs. The page will not replace the clubs' own websites, but supplement these with other current fishing news.
You can see how you can come to fish in these places and where there may be purchased fishing licence, daily, weekly or seasonally, camping and provisioning. From all the fishing buddies in the clubs: FLS Sportfiskerforening, Køge Sportfiskerforening, Solrød Sportfiskerklub "Regnbuen" and Varde Sportfiskerforening I would like a good fishing recipe for all the fish you catch. Send me a good recipe for: herring, cod, garfish, mackerel, flat fish, grayling, trout, salmon, perch, pike, pike-perch , or eels. So I put it on the website, but you must also provide a picture with the recipe. I would rather have the image in portrait form, as the recipe must stand beside the picture. However, it is not a requirement.
Accommodation ("Logi"): Here you will find accommodation possibilities by a fishing water. |
It is intended that the page will be for members who want to write an article with fish together with a picture of the catch. You simply send the text via e-mail and an attached image as a "name".jpg file. If You do not have e-mail, please send the original image in the pre-paid envelope for me, so you get the picture back.
Read here what WebStatsDomain writes about my website, Walter-Lystfisker:Walter-lystfisker.dk is ranked 16.690.620 in the world among the 30 million domains. This site is estimated worth $861 USD. This site has a low Pagerank(1/10). It has 7 backlinks. It's good for seo website. Walter-lystfisker.dk has 18% SEO score (Search Engine Optimization). Walter-lystfisker.dk is safe. Low load time 0.56 sec.
![]() ![]() ![]() I have made an electronically controlled Smoking Oven where I smoked my fishDo you have the courage to produce your own "Electrically Controlled Smoke Oven", you can find a complete job description "here". There are also new electronics for the actuator, as well as new initiatives for "Cold Smoke".
With regard to the drawings for the building instructions refer to the magazine, Gør det selv No. 8 / 2002 24 May. Try the library, they can probably get the magazine. Looking for Adobe Reader on your PC for printing out PDF files, you can download a free program here. |
Do you access my website via a search engine, you always end up on this page here. You can search a topic above or on the "Recipes = Opskrifter" if it is fish recipes or smoke recipes you want. Enjoy.
Now for something completely different that has nothing to do with fishingExplanation for External Links:
When you open the site the first time, you will see all external "Links" blue. When you move the mouse over a "Link" is the red and are underlined. Clicking on this link opens the current address, be it a website or an e-mail address. Now, this "Link" violet. It shows that you have used the address and that information is in the folder "Temporary Internet Files" on your hard disk. That means when you next open my website, it takes not so long. Remember to update (refresh) now and then. |
The site is optimized for 1024 x 768 pixel screen resolution, 32 bit color and small fonts. And of course it must be seen in a 19-inch display.
Ah! yes, it was then, as a 19 "screen in 4:3 format to a PC was something. Now we have 20-inch and even bigger flat screens in the 16:9 format that gives a splendid panoramic view. But not all the pictures on my website will give the right height / width ratio, when viewed in the 16:9 format = 1.7 times. Format 4:3 = 1.3 times. New pictures will be adapted to the new format, but the old will be made on time will tell.
Guest Information: As of 1. August 2003, the old visitor counter and guestbook have been closed. There have in the year they have been operating, been 2000 visitors and 20 have written in the guest book. Maybe I can transfer text from the old to the new guestbook? Well! it could not be done. 1. September 2003 will my home page be up-loaded into a new domain.
Sponsor Space: You can safely refer you to a 'Sponsor Space' on my website. You must not now or later pay any money for it, but simply make fishing spot, cabin on the campsite or cottage available for free for an agreed period, so I can record a fish reportage on the ground. Please use the new e-mail address if you want a 'Sponsor Space' on my website.
Pop-Up: On my website are no pop-ups. You must click onto advertising banner from one.com. |
Antispam: Because I now want more protection on my home page for my e-mail box against those who send unsolicited advertising or spam on the Internet, I have deleted all emails "Links" on all other pages.
SPAMfighter is also installed, so all spam will not get through to my e-mail box. All e-mails with "no-reply" will be deleted in my SPAMfighter. Find a free version of SPAMfighter. NOTE: If you write from a secret or hidden e-mail address, I naturally respect your privacy and will not respond to your post in my Guestbook! For Username and Password to "Catch report" and "Club news" use my Guestbook. Right click and "Open link in a new window". ![]() |
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